Nursing Diagnosis for Blighted Ovum

Nursing Care Plan for Blighted Ovum

Blighted ovum is one of the disorders in pregnancy. Women who are already known to have late period and pregnancy test results are positive, they are not actually pregnant. In these conditions, the expected gestational sac containing the fetus will, it turns out it is empty. Here is a blighted ovum.

This condition occurs because the fertilized egg successfully form the placenta and membranes, but failed to form embryos. Allegedly this is the case because of chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg. Blighted ovum usually occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy.

To determine a diagnosis, the doctor uses ultrasound examination (ultrasonography). On ultrasound examination, it can be seen that the presence of gestational sac in which it turns out there is no embryo or empty. Positive pregnancy test, because the placenta secretes hormones human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

At first, women feel the symptoms of pregnancy, such as fatigue, feeling nothing else in the breast or nausea. Furthermore, placental growth stops and the HCG hormone levels back down, and eventually disappear-pregnancy symptoms usually occur after the age of 3 months of pregnancy. At that time, women will feel uncomfortable in the stomach, or out spotting bleeding from the vagina.

Until now, no definite cause can lead to blighted ovum, but there are several factors that have contributed to the trigger of blighted ovum, among others:
  • Abnormalities of chromosomes during the process of fertilization of the egg and sperm cells (egg quality is not good.)
  • Infection of the torch, immunological disorders and diabetes may contribute to the occurrence of blighted ovum.
  • The age factor - The higher the age of the husband or wife, the higher the chances of a blighted ovum.

Blighted ovum often causes no symptoms at all. Symptoms and signs may include:
  • Late menstrual period.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Minor vaginal bleeding or spotting.
  • Positive pregnancy test at the time of symptoms.
  • Found after a spontaneous miscarriage occurs which will appear bleeding complaints.
  • Almost the same as a normal pregnancy.

  • Avoiding the rubella virus entry into the body. Pregnant women also need to maintain personal hygiene and living environment.
  • Ensure that expectant mothers actually be healthy when planning a pregnancy.
  • Not only pregnant mothers, but also fathers candidates should start a healthy lifestyle and leave the bad habits such as smoking.
  • Routine antenatal care. Because pregnancy is empty rarely detected when the content is still under the age of 8 months.

  • The identity of clients includes: name, age, religion, occupation, education, address, marital status.
  • Public health data include: height, weight, specific health issues, drugs.
  • Bleeding, last menstrual and menstrual cycle patterns.

General Physical Examination
  • General condition, vital signs, if the bad general condition did resuscitation and stabilization immediately.
Gynecological examination
  • Presence or absence of signs of acute abdomen, if possible, find the source of bleeding, whether from the walls of the vagina or cervix tissue.
  • Vaginal examination touche: bimanual specify besat and location of the uterus, tantukan also whether the examiner's finger can be inserted easily into the ostium or not.

Nursing Diagnosis for Blighted Ovum
  1. Impaired peripheral tissue perfusion r/t hypovolemic shock
  2. Activity intolerance r / t generalized weakness
  3. Anxiety r / t change in health status
  4. Risk for infection r / t action curettage

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