Nursing Journals On Evidence Based Practice

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a critical aspect of nursing, and there are several reputable nursing journals that focus on this topic. These journals publish articles and research related to implementing EBP in nursing care. Here are some nursing journals that often cover evidence-based practice:

  1. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing: This journal is dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality evidence and clinical expertise to support nursing practice. It covers various aspects of EBP, including research and implementation.

  2. Journal of Nursing Care Quality: This journal includes articles on nursing care quality, which often involves the use of evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes.

  3. Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS): CNS publishes articles that promote evidence-based clinical practice, including case studies and practical strategies for implementing EBP in various clinical settings.

  4. Journal of Nursing Administration (JONA): JONA features articles on nursing leadership and administration, often discussing the role of EBP in decision-making and quality improvement initiatives.

  5. Nursing Research: This journal often includes studies and research related to EBP, nursing interventions, and the impact of evidence-based practice on patient care.

  6. Nurse Education in Practice: While primarily focused on nursing education, this journal also covers teaching strategies for integrating EBP into nursing curricula.

  7. Journal of Nursing Scholarship: This journal publishes research on a wide range of nursing topics, including studies that investigate the implementation and outcomes of evidence-based practice.

  8. The Journal of Nursing Practice: This open-access journal covers a variety of clinical nursing topics and often includes articles related to EBP.

  9. Evidence-Based Nursing: While not a traditional journal, Evidence-Based Nursing is a database and resource center that provides critical appraisals of the latest nursing research to help nurses incorporate EBP into their practice.

These journals provide valuable resources for nurses and healthcare professionals interested in evidence-based practice. Remember that access to full articles may require a subscription or institutional access, but you can often find abstracts and summaries of articles on their respective journal websites or through databases like PubMed.

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