7 Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is better known as bone loss according to the WHO is a systemic skeletal disease with characteristics of low bone mass and changes in the microarchitecture of bone tissue with consequent increase in bone fragility and increased susceptibility to fractures . Osteoporosis is a disorder in which there is a decrease in total bone mass .

1. Reduce the intake of animal protein : animal protein increases calcium loss.
Cross-cultural studies have found a strong relationship between animal protein intake and risk of hip fracture. The high intake of meat (five or more servings per week) significantly increased the risk of forearm fractures in women, compared to eating meat less than once per week. Older women who consume large amounts of meat to lose bone faster and greater risk of hip fracture. The risk of bone problems, seems to diminish when replacing animal protein with protein from vegetable sources, especially soybeans. In clinical studies in postmenopausal women, soy foods have been found to prevent bone loss. Studies have shown a positive association between soy protein and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. This is probably due to the relatively high concentration of compounds called isoflavones in vegetable protein.

2. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Research has shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with higher bone mineral density in men and women. This association may be due to potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C in fruits and vegetables.

3. Reduce sodium intake.
Some studies have found that high sodium intake leads to loss of calcium from the body. However, the effect of sodium restriction on bone integrity and long -term fracture risk remains unclear and requires further research.

4. A diet low in fat.
Studies have found that higher fat intake was associated with greater bone loss and fracture risk is greater. Possible mechanisms include the tendency of excessive fat intake reduces the absorption of calcium and affect hormone production. In particular, omega - 6 fatty acids can cause bone loss at the expense of new bone formation.

5. Moderation in the use of caffeine.
Research has found that women who consumed the most caffeine has accelerated the loss of the spine and nearly three times the risk of hip fracture . The risk of bone loss appears to be greatest in women who consume more than 18 ounces of coffee per day, or 300 mg of caffeine from other sources.

6. Limiting supplements of vitamin A.
Studies have shown that intake of vitamin A is too high, either with food or supplements, may lead to decreased bone density and increased risk of hip fracture. Healthy and sufficient intake of vitamin A can be ascertained with beta - carotene from plant sources, especially orange and yellow vegetables.

7. The combination of vitamin D and calcium supplements.
On the client with the drug - which lead to osteoporosis, a combination of both nutrients seem to be of significant benefit in reducing further bone loss. Supplements of vitamin D (500 to 800 IU / day) and calcium (1200-1300 mg / day) have also been found to increase bone density and decrease bone loss and fracture risk in older adult women. Clients women with a diagnosis of osteoporosis should get the total calcium intake from diet and supplements is about 1500 mg / day in divided doses three or more, plus at least 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D every day. However, clients are not at high risk for osteoporosis may not require calcium supplements. This is especially true for men, who may have an increased risk of prostate cancer if they consume too much calcium or milk. (Iwan Sain, S. Kep,).

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