9 Factors That Influence the Process of Defecation

Defecation, commonly known as bowel movement or passing stool, is the process of eliminating waste products from the body through the anus. It's a vital function of the digestive system and involves coordinated actions of various muscles and nerves. Here's a detailed overview of defecation:

Process of Defecation:

  • Rectal Filling: As waste products from digestion accumulate in the large intestine (colon), they are gradually pushed toward the rectum.
  • Rectal Distension: The rectum serves as a temporary storage site for feces. As fecal matter accumulates, the walls of the rectum stretch, signaling the urge to defecate.
  • Defecation Reflex: When the rectum becomes sufficiently distended, sensory nerves in the rectal walls send signals to the spinal cord, triggering the defecation reflex.
  • Relaxation of Internal Anal Sphincter: Nerve impulses from the spinal cord cause the internal anal sphincter, a smooth muscle under involuntary control, to relax, allowing feces to enter the anal canal.
  • Voluntary Control: The external anal sphincter, a skeletal muscle under voluntary control, remains contracted to prevent involuntary passage of stool until a suitable time and place for defecation.
  • Expulsion of Feces: When an individual voluntarily decides to defecate, they relax the external anal sphincter, allowing the feces to be expelled through the anus.

Here are the factors that can influence the process of defecation

1. Age
Each stage of development / age have the ability to control the process of defecation different.

2. Diet
Diet, pattern or type of food consumed can influence the process of defecation.
Foods that have high fiber content can help the process of acceleration
defecation and the amount consumed can influence.

3. Fluid intake
Less fluid intake in the body making defecation becomes hard. Therefore, the absorption process water is less likely to cause trouble defecation process.

4. Activity
Activity can affect the process of defecation because through activity in muscle tone
abdomen, pelvis, and diaphragm can help smooth the process of defecation.

5. Treatment
Treatment may also be influencing the process of defecation, such as the use of laxatives,
or antacids that too often.

6. Lifestyle
Habits or lifestyle may affect the process of defecation. This can be seen in a person who has a healthy lifestyle / habits defecate in a clean or toilet, the ethical person defecate in the open or dirty places, it will have difficulty in defecation process.

7. Disease
Some diseases can affect the process of defecation, usually diseases
directly related to the digestive system, such as gastroenteristis or other infectious diseases.

8. Pain
The presence of pain can affect the ability / desire for defecation as pain in the case of hemorrhoids or an episiotomy.

9. Damage to sensory and motor
Damage to sensory and motor systems can affect the process of defecation because it may cause the reduction of sensory stimulation in doing defecation.

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