Information Displayed on Each Nursing Diagnosis

Information displayed on each nursing diagnosis include the following:
  1. Definition. Referring to the definition used in the NANDA nursing diagnoses predetermined.
  2. Etiology possibility ("related to"). This section states the possible causes for the problems that have been identified. Which is not expressed by NANDA, given the brackets [...]. Related factors / risk is given to high-risk diagnoses.
  3. Defining characteristics ("evidenced by"). This section covers the signs and symptoms are clear enough to indicate the existence of a problem. Again as in the definition and etiology. Which is not expressed by NANDA, bracketed.
  4. Goals / Objectives. These statements are written in accordance with the client's objective behavior. Goals / objectives must be measurable, is the long and short term goals, to be used in evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions to address the problems that have been identified. Maybe there will be more than a short-term goals, and may be a "stepping stone" to meet long-term goals.
  5. Intervention with certain rational. Only appropriate interventions for the diagnosis section is displayed. Rational used for interventions include providing basic nursing knowledge and clarification to assist in selecting appropriate interventions for the client.
  6. The results are expected client / discharge criteria. Behavior changes according to the client's readiness to return are likely to be evaluated.
  7. Information Medicine. This information includes nursing implications, accompanying chapters which each corresponding clarification.

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