Definition, Types and Causes of Myalgia (Muscle Pain)

Myalgia (Muscle Pain)

Definition of Myalgia

Myalgia also called Muscle pain is a symptom of many diseases and disorders of the body. Common causes of myalgia are using the wrong muscle or muscles too tense. Myalgia that occur without a history of trauma may be caused by a viral infection. Myalgia that lasts for a long time showed metabolic myopathies, nutritional deficiencies or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Myalgia Muscle Pain
Types of Myalgia

There are several types of muscle pain that often occur, namely: Fibromyalgia, Myofascial pain, post-exercise muscle soreness and muscle pain due to excessive use (overuse injury).


Other terms that muscular rheumatism, is a disease characterized by symptoms such as muscle pain broad, that is most often on the neck, back or waist. There are several points of pain in that area, usually 11-18 points are referred to as tender points, at which point it is very painful when pressed but the pain inflicted not spread. The complaint is felt more than 3 months, accompanied by the symptoms of sleep disturbance, and morning stiffness. The nature of pain such as pain, heat, a burning sensation, can be accompanied by tingling and numbness. The cause of this disease is still not known with certainty, but presumably related to the hormonal, immune system and mental stress factors. Although not fatal, but the disease is the cause of decreased function are quite serious and lead to decreased quality of life.

Myofascial Pain

A disease similar to fibromyalgia, but the difference in Myofascial pain is found less pain point, and if pressed arise pain that spreads to other body areas. This disease could be cured with proper treatment compared fibromyalgia. The cause of the disease is mainly caused due to an error posture or body position for a long time and emotional tension.

Post exercise muscle soreness (muscle pain after exercise)

A complaint which as the name implies, occurs after exercise. Pain arises in muscles that do a lot of activities during exercise, can arise immediately after exercise or raised 8-24 hours after reaching the peak of pain in 24-72 hours post-exercise. Muscle pain arising a few hours to a few days after exercise is called delayed onset muscle soreness (Doms). The cause of this pain there are several things, among others: the buildup of residue burning or muscle metabolism called lactic acid, lack of oxygen to the muscles active, and the impact of increased body temperature during exercise. Usually the pain will disappear by itself after 5-7 days. If there is pain it should rest for a few days in advance. Once the pain has subsided may begin exercise with the intensity of light first and then increased gradually. Keep in mind to always do stretching exercises and warm up before and after exercise to prevent muscle injury.

Overuse injury (muscle pain due to overuse)

Muscle pain caused by several things, namely: used repeatedly (repetitive) in a long time, is used in the wrong position for a long time, due to a vibration or due to use with great force, such as lifting a heavy object. As a result of the improper activities, causing damage to the muscle, which appears in the form of microscopic tissue tears accompanied the process of inflammation, and for continuous use then there is no time for the muscles to repair themselves (recovery). Muscle pain can occur on a musician who uses an instrument (guitar, violin) in a long time, the athletes, and also at the office workers. Same with muscle pain that arises after exercise, muscle pain is the muscle that a lot of work while doing the activity, for example, office workers who use of computers, often pain in the right shoulder, because the muscles of the right shoulder is always working to maintain the position of the upper arm and hand to control "mouse" computer, or the guitar player can be pain in the left shoulder, left shoulder for muscular left arm always maintain a position to play the guitar tone and sustain. Pain that arises in the form of feeling pain, heat, numbness, can be accompanied by swelling and redness.

Causes of Myalgia
  1. Myalgia caused by sleep disorders, individuals who experience sleep disorders often experience muscle pain. Sleep disorders and muscle pain that accompanies may be caused by temporary anxiety due to stressful situations, or it could be because they noise. Nothing to worry about as long as no other accompanying symptoms of myalgia or if pain is not also disappear after a few days. However, prolonged sleep disorders can indicate a serious disorder, such as depression that require treatment professionals. Hormonal imbalances cause myalgia.
  2. Hormone imbalance occurs when one of the reproductive hormones no longer works functionally.
  3. Vitamin deficiency can also cause myalgia, Myalgia may also be caused by diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Vitamins play an important role in overall health. Vitamin D is naturally obtainable in abundance, to bask in the morning sun, play a role in helping the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D deficiency is common in the community who are doing most activities indoors. Vitamin B12 plays a role in the production of red blood cells, neurological development, and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. This vitamin is found in meat, fish and dairy products. Vitamin deficiency can not only cause the occurrence of myalgia, but also lead to more serious health problems.
  4. Drugs that induce myalgia, certain classes of medications have side effects such as muscle pain. This is particularly so when the patient began taking the drug or when the dose began to be raised. In some cases, muscle pain that occurs while taking this medication may also indicate that the muscles are experiencing destruction - a situation that can lead to kidney failure and even life threatening.
  5. Myalgia due to autoimmune diseases, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus is a condition in which the immune system attacks the tissues / organs. Besides myalgia, autoimmune diseases are also generally accompanied by symptoms such as tenderness in the muscles, loss of muscle mass and rash.

Myalgia is a form of response to a variety of possible conditions. Severe myalgia and lasted for more than two weeks may indicate that the body is facing a serious situation, especially if the symptoms of myalgia can not be associated with certain new injury or illness suffered, also when accompanied by other symptoms.

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