Simple Tips To Treat Hoarseness

Hoarseness is generally due to inflammation that occurs in the voice box (laryngitis) due to infection, such as flu. Your throat may feel injured or there are lumps in it. You suddenly lost your voice due to excessive use, for example after shouting as a football game.

Usually hoarse increase due to continuous use of excessive noise, smoke, or reflux (rising) of stomach acid irritating the voice box. In rare cases, hoarseness is a symptom of cancer of the larynx (upper part of the throat where there are the vocal cords).

The loss of voice is usually temporary (transient), no more than a week. The following steps will help restore your voice is hoarse and lost.
  1. Do not use the sound as much as possible. Do not talk or whisper. If you whisper can tense your vocal cords more than normal speech.
  2. Drink plenty of warm fluids to soothe the throat and 6-8 glasses per day to keep it moist. Do not drink caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.
  3. Eat soft and easy to swallow.
  4. Avoid dry and smoky environment, which will dry throat and hoarse adds.
  5. If the throat wound, eat a deduction or pain relievers.
  6. Try inhaling steam to reduce inflammation and mucus.
  7. Do not rinse with alcohol in mouthwash can cause irritation. Cough medicines do not reduce hoarse.


Protect your throat if you are prone to hoarse and loss of voice, try the following steps to prevent it recur.
  1. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day, put the bottle on the table where you work, and drink often.
  2. If your work is related to talk in a group or class, try to avoid elevating your voice. Organize smaller groups and sitting close together. If you need to speak in a larger group, ask for the microphone.
  3. Shouted or screamed giving the strain on your voice, so try to control your anger.
  4. Quit smoking or avoid a long time in a smoky environment.
  5. Try not to cough or clear the throat loudly.
  6. Try breathing through the nose. Breathing through the mouth will dry throat lining and accelerate flu, unfiltered air to enter the lungs thereby increasing hoarse.
  7. Use a humidifier in your home to keep air moist.

You need to visit a doctor if you still hoarse throat after two weeks despite doing the above suggestions, or you have difficulty breathing and swallowing.

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