Pain related to Blepharitis

Currently, many people who do not care about their own health. Thus, raises health problems, especially disorders of the sense of sight, one of which is part of the eyelid. Usually people underestimate this disease, because they assume that the disease will soon disappear. In fact, if not taken seriously, there will be a variety of complications of the disease such as blepharitis, one of them. In addition, the disease can also interfere with the imaging itself. Here, the role of medical personnel is necessary for the community as to improve the level of public health.

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids, often on the part of the eyelid and the edge of the eyelid. In some cases accompanied by ulcers or not on the edge of the eyelid, usually involving hair follicles and glands.

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the bilateral sub-acute / chronic at the edge of the eyelid (border of the eyelid).

Blepharitis is on the edge of the eyelid inflammation is usually caused by staphylococci.

Based on the cause, blepharitis can be divided into two, namely:
  • Ulcerative blepharitis: The cause is staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus epidermidis).
  • Non-Ulcerative blepharitis: The cause is a metabolic disorder and fungi Pityrosporum ovale.
  • Blepharitis causes redness and thickening, can also form scales and scabs or open sores are shallow on the eyelid.
  • Blepharitis can cause the patient to feel there was something in his eyes. The eyes and eyelids itchy, hot and red. Eyelid swelling can occur and a few strands of eyelashes fall out.
  • Eyes become red, watery and sensitive to bright light. Can also formed a scab firmly attached to the edge of the eyelid; if scab is removed, bleeding can occur.
  • During sleep, eye secretions dry up so that when you wake difficult eyelids open.

  • The scales on the edge of the eyelid.
  • Reduced the number of lashes.
  • Meibomian duct obstruction and blockage.
  • Meibomian secretion murky.
  • Infections of the edge of the eyelid.
  • Abnormalities of the tear film.

Pain related to inflammation caused by bacterial infection.

Objective: pain is lost or reduced.

Expected outcomes:
  • The client demonstrate knowledge of assessment of pain control.
  • The client say the pain is reduced / lost.
  • Relaxed facial expression.

1. Assess pain scale.
Rationale: determine the level of pain.

2. Keep the outskirts of the eyelid.
Rationale: speed healing.

3. Encourage bed rest in a quiet room.
Rationale: give comfort to clients.

4. Divert attention on things that are fun.
Rationale: to divert attention to pain.

5. Collaboration in antibiotics and analgesics.
Rationale: relieve pain and promote healing.

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